Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Making of a Music Video - The Important bits!

What are the Important parts of a music video?

Producer: The producer is essentially the person who oversee's/secures the creative team, they also have the important job of keeping an eye on the budgeting and also the timeline.

Executive Producer: Controls the main people involved with making the music video and once again contributes to the management of the timeline and budget along with the Producer.

Director: The director will actually direct the acting/performance of the actors/actresses who star in the music video and will have control of the cast and crew, and makes the creative decisions with regards to the cast and crew.

Writer: The writer has a very important job of taking the actual concept/idea and then turning this into a script.

Editor: The editor is also equally important as the roles mentioned above however the editors job only comes in once it has all been filmed and organised. The editor simply picks out the best bits of the footage and adds in special effects/text/music and also attempts to hide or resolve any last issues with the final music video.

Camera Operator: The camera operator works closely with the lighting director and operates the camera according to how the lighting director wishes them to do so.

Production Manager: The production tracks the progress being made as the process goes on, and makes sure it all runs smoothly, as well as this keeps an eye on the co-ordination of the production whether it's catering, location, equipment or people.

Storyboard Artist: The Storyboard artists works alongside the Director and the Producer to formulate the storyboard, and develop the script into something more visual and clear.

Lighting Director: The lighting director has there enormous of controlling the lighting to ensure the shots and clear and portray the right messages through the lighting.

Sound Technician: The sound technician basically oversee's the sound, recording and will normally be involved in the final sound mix, which will be put alongside the music video.

Actor/Actress/Talent: These are the actors/actresses who will star in the music video.

What do we need to know as the brief?

There are all sorts of things that need to be considered when thinking about the brief.

The first thing that must be considered is the purpose and intent of the music video, this means considering exactly what the purpose of the music video is, and what kind of message is being portrayed towards the audience, if there is a message of course.

The target audience must also be considered when looking at creating a music video this means considering once again the purpose and message of the music video along with everything else which will then decide the gender, age, lifestyles and hobbies of the people who this music video is aimed at.

Finally the budgets must be stuck to, to ensure you dont run out of the finances to afford the things which will be needed for the music video.

What is Involved in the Pre-production?      

The pre-production stage of the music video essentially involves the following things which are all arguably just as important as the other. The first most obvious thing would of course be the scripting of the whole music video. This is almost the building block to the music video and from this you can develop ideas, themes and messages which will be portrayed to the audience. We next will create a scene breakdown and a storyboard for the music video where we will work out exactly what the narrative is and which parts of the lyrics links to which parts of the action. After this a shot list and a cast list will be written out to clear up who will be performing in the music video and how it's going to filmed. The next thing to focus on would probably be the location, which needs to be just right if the music video is going to be as effective as it can be. The equipment hire would also be something to focus on at this point because you want to make sure that when it comes to filming the actual music video, you have all the equipment you need otherwise this could slow down the shooting process. The catering and transport would be essential to keep your actors/actresses happy and also to make sure you stay on track, with regards to time and shooting, which is of course why transport is important in the sense it helps you to get to your shooting locations on time. By this point people should have been informed of the preperations and a shooting shedule should have been prepared so everyone is aware of the time, budget, camera angles, shots etc.

What is involved in Production?

The production is the main chunk of the music video this is the point where you go to the different locations and following the shooting schedule you film the different shots and angles, it is good practice at this point to film a couple of each shot/angle so that you have a choice in the end when it comes to the final editing.

What is involved in Post-production?

The post-production is basically where the final editing takes place. The sounds and effects are all added and the producer and director have their final say on the music video before it is completed.

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